Elite Newsletter 24th June 2018 – Eaton Software & CDVI s Atrium Panel & Digiway Door Automation
Elite Newsletter 24th June 2018

Hello 🙂
Next and subsequent newsletters with be published on the 28th of the month
Scantronic is making great headway with software updates with less inconvenience than many other manufacturers. Latest versions are;
i-on Compact = V5.03.18
i-on 30R = V5.02.18
i-on 40H = V5.02.18
i-on Style = V5.02.18
To find out which version your panel is running, go to a keypad;
Press the Menu icon
Enter a Master Code
Scroll to ABOUT Ă Press tick
PANEL Ă press tick
Scroll to SOFTWARE
Press X repeatedly to exit until you see the time and date.
Updated panels now have the following functionality
V5.02.04 – New panel software for i-on30R, i-on40H and i-on Style
- Added support for enhanced Push notifications where the log event detail is displayed in the notification (requires app version 1.2.0 or above).
- Cloud offline alerts now follow Ethernet line fault response.
- Cloud offline alerts delayed by 30mins to prevent disruptions to the user for short interruptions in internet service.
- Added a further option for ARC communication.
- Zone Omit in User menu accepts zone number to go to zone for easier selection.
- Mobile app actions identified by a preceding “Mobile app command” log entry.
- App Access option for users, now only controllable by Master or Admin User.
- Added additional characters to character sequence on keypad ‘0’ key to allow entry of email addresses and passwords with complex characters.
V5.02.18 – New panel software for i-on30R, i-on40H and i-on Style
V5.03.18 – New Panel Software for i-on Compact
The new software has been released to offer an improvement to the features and to make the panels easier to use and to configure. The main changes are:
- Added a feature to automatically check on the Eaton SecureConnect Cloud for updates, option for engineers to keep you up to date.
- Various improvements have been
made around the way the panel connects to the LAN both via Ethernet cable and
the Wi-Fi module.
- The panel will now auto recover the cloud connection after the router has been powered down.
- A problem where the panel would occasionally lock up the IP connection and lose connection with the cloud has been fixed.
- Improved the behavior when running a report from the Web Browser via the cloud or locally, the report would sometimes fail to complete.
- Improved the behavior when part setting from the app and the system would fail to set.
- Added RESET command to M2M interface – If a partition is in the “needs reset” state having been unset after an alarm activation, the RESET command will reset it. It also returns a “needs reset” error message if the M2M send a set command to a partition in this state.
- Improved the recognition of GSM modules on first power up.
- Added an option to have Push Fail Notifications set to silent, audible or disabled. This alert occurs if a message from the panel fails to get through to the Eaton Secureconnect cloud. This could happen if the customers internet is not available at the time the panel attempts to send a message.
- Various other performance improvements.
We would like to thank CDVI Access Control Manufacturer for their training this month on
Atrium Access Control System & Digiway Door Automation System

Next month we hope to have the results of integrating systems from Pyronix Wi-Fi Camera, Scantronic Panels and Spro NVR.
Also, Apollo’s low-profile chamberless smoke detectors has come to market.
Thank you for reading.